
如果您使用CocoaPods來整合應用程式與FacebookSDK,請將以下程式碼加入Podfile。pod'FacebookSDK'pod'FacebookSDK/LoginKit'pod'FacebookSDK/ShareKit' ...,IfyourappintegrateswiththeFacebookSDKusingCocoaPods,addthefollowingcodetoyourPodfile.·IfyourappintegrateswiththeFacebookSDKmanually, ...,2022年2月25日—ShowusaworkingexampleinstallingthelatestIOSSDK(withSwift)withCocoapods,becauseIhavetriedallthingsIc...

最新的Facebook SDK 有什麼新功能?

如果您使用CocoaPods 來整合應用程式與Facebook SDK,請將以下程式碼加入Podfile。 pod 'FacebookSDK' pod 'FacebookSDK/LoginKit' pod 'FacebookSDK/ShareKit' ...

Upgrade Guide

If your app integrates with the Facebook SDK using CocoaPods, add the following code to your Podfile. · If your app integrates with the Facebook SDK manually, ...

How do you install this with CocoaPods? · Issue #2029

2022年2月25日 — Show us a working example installing the latest IOS SDK (with Swift) with Cocoapods, because I have tried all things I could and not seeing if this works.


在Swift 套件管理工具、CocoaPods 和Carthage 的支援下,您也可以在GitHub 上取得SDK 的來源。請參閱GitHub 的Facebook iOS SDK 來源。 首先將SDK 複製到您選擇的位置 ...

#19. FB Login

2022年1月9日 — #19. FB Login-使用cocoapods安裝套件 · 先在FB 開發網站建立對應的App · 設定開發環境 · 填入Bundle Identifier · 設定info.plist · 連結App Delegate.

Advanced Topics - Facebook SDK for iOS

You can also get the source for for the SDK on GitHub, with support for Swift Package Manager, CocoaPods, and Carthage. See GitHub, Facebook iOS SDK Source.


This open-source library allows you to integrate Facebook into your iOS app. Learn more about the provided samples, documentation, integrating the SDK into your ...

最新版Facebook SDK 有哪些全新功能?

如果您的應用程式使用CocoaPods 與Facebook SDK 整合,請將以下代碼加入您的Podfile。 · 若您手動將應用程式整合至Facebook SDK,請按照我們的新手指南切換至CocoaPods。

FacebookSDK on CocoaPods.org

This open-source library allows you to integrate Facebook into your iOS app. Learn more about the provided samples, documentation, integrating the SDK into your ...